Shaping Tomorrow's Homes

Affordable Housing Summit

Now, more than ever, our community needs to gather influential voices to help our local economy advance affordable housing projects. The Affordable Housing Collaborative is a not-for-profit organization that hosts the Affordable Housing Summit (the Summit), held annually in Minneapolis.

Established in 2013, the Summit strives to connect those working in affordable housing by providing an open space for discussion, collaboration, and education. More than 500 affordable housing leaders, industry experts, investors, lenders, contractors, and government entities attend to discuss regional affordable housing needs and local solutions. 

This full-day, in-person event brings together state and local governments, developers, not-for profits, and housing advocates to discuss industry trends and legislatives changes and to create opportunities for open conversation and collaboration. This year’s Summit will take place on May 1, 2024 at the Hilton Minneapolis. Join us and network with your colleagues in the affordable housing community and leave the Summit with a better understanding of development and financing issues and options for your next project. The day will include dynamic keynote speakers, smaller group break-out sessions, and extended breaks for one-on-one meetings, as well as breakfast, lunch, and a networking and cocktail reception to conclude the day.

New to Affordable Housing?
Join Us for a (free!) 101 Session the Day Before the Summit!

Looking for a LIHTC and public financing refresher before the Affordable Housing Summit? Interested in how affordable housing deals are financed? New to the industry? Join affordable housing industry and thought leaders the day before the Summit for a groundwork of information and practical tools before diving in to the Thursday sessions. You will take away essential knowledge and apply lessons learned from our panelists’ past experience. More information coming soon!